Nausea and syringe drivers

The last few days have been pretty rough as I have been really suffering with nausea. Had my chemo on Wednesday and felt ok, woke up on Thursday, chundered and felt so sick I couldn’t eat or drink anything.

I was expecting to have a review after my radiotherapy, but there was some mix up with it so I didn’t get my review and was sent to the Acute Oncology Service instead (kind of like A&E/AMU for people with cancer). The doctor I saw there was concerned that I was dehydrated and gave me some fluids. She also said she wanted me to have a syringe driver…I can’t help but relate a syringe driver with end of life care but the doctor explained that whilst I am being sick the absorption of oral medications is erratic and delivering it through a syringe driver offers more control. So after several hours, they sent me home with a syringe driver delivering ondansetron and metoclopramide. Went back yesterday to have it refilled and a district nurse is going to come and do it today and tomorrow. So I’m spending the hottest day of the year so far stuck in waiting for a nurse.

A syringe driver is exactly what it sounds like…the prescribed medication is drawn up into the syringe which is then put into a pump (or driver). The nurse sets the rate at which the medication will be administered and it is delivered through a small needle which sits just under your skin, so you are getting a continuous subcutaneous (under the skin) infusion. It is usually changed every 12-24 hours depending on the care setting and the medication.

I still feel pretty shitty, the drugs have relieved the symptoms slightly so that I am able to eat and drink a bit but I still feel sick constantly. I am still eating loads of ice lollies and also lots of sparkling water. I noramlly drink about 3 litres of water a day but I just can’t at the moment. Hopefully this will ease of the next couple of days and I really hope they can come up with a more permanent solution than the syringe driver. The nurse spent ages trying to find me a nice bag to put it in…I’m not sure the one she picked is exactly my style but I appreciate the effort! I definitely feel more self conscious with it, because up until now I haven’t had to deal with looking like a sick person (my treatment isn’t giving me any externally visible side effects), whereas with the syringe driver people can see the bag and tubing.

1 week of chemo and radiotherapy treatment completed!

I have officially completed my first full week of treatment! So, 1 chemo and 5 radiotherapy sessions done, 1/20 to go!

So far my symptoms have been minimal, the only thing I am suffering from is nausea. The best way I can describe it is like having a permanent hangover…feeling kind of sick and pathetic and craving only crap food! Obviously isn’t the most fun thing in the world but it could be worse. I’m eating my own weight in ice lollies because they are the only thing that doesn’t make me feel sick…I’m probably going to need new teeth by the end of my treatment!

Tomorrow my second week of treatment starts with chemo and radiotherapy and then on Thursday I will have a review as well as my radiotherapy. This will give me the opportunity to speak to a doctor about how I’m getting on and hopefully they will review my anti-sickness medication. It’s really important to keep them in the loop about side effects/problems because the sooner they know about it, the easier it is to get on top of it.

The treatment itself is pretty straight forward, the radiotherapy takes 10-20 mins depending on whether they do scans at the same time (for my first 3 they did but as the images showed everything lined up perfectly they will just do these once per week from now on). The chemotherapy takes about 3 hours. The worst bit is the travelling…at the moment there are a LOT of roadworks so it’s a 3 hour round trip every day in which I insist on blasting the air con (because I feel sick) so my poor ma is sat there freezing!

Anyway, one week down, 4 to go!!!

Treatment plan – pelvic radiotherapy and cisplatin chemotherapy side effects

2 days ago I met with my new oncologist and nurse specialist – 6th doctor, 3rd oncologist, 3rd hospital and 4th nurse specialist (I swear I’m not a fussy patient, they just keep referring me)! My treatment will take place over 5 weeks starting 29th March and will consist of 25x external radiation treatments (5 days per week) and 5x cisplatin chemotherapy treatments (1x per week). Fortunately because the tumour was completely removed I don’t need to have internal radiation/brachytherapy (it sounds fucking horrific)! The doctor went over all the side effects and I signed consent forms etc, it wasn’t particularly new information as I have had plenty of time to do my research and the previous oncologists talked me through most of it before but it was kind of overwhelming now that it is actually happening.

Radiotherapy is usually given as the main treatment for cervical cancer (that requires more than a surgical approach). It is often given in combination with chemotherapy because chemotherapy makes the cervical cells more sensitive to the effects of the radiotherapy, thus making it more effective. This type of treatment is usually called chemoradiation.

I’ll start with the radiotherapy…Radiotherapy uses high-energy rays, usually x-rays and similar rays (such as electrons) to destroy cancer cells in the area that’s being treated. Normal cells can also be damaged by radiotherapy. Normal cells can usually repair themselves, but cancer cells can’t. Radiotherapy is carefully planned so that it avoids as much healthy tissue as possible. However, there will always be some healthy tissue that’s affected by the treatment and this will cause side effects. Unfortunately in pelvic radiotherapy, rather a lot of healthy tissue is affected resulting in a number of short and long term side effects. The most common short-term effects are; bladder and bowel changes (urinary frequency and urgency, radiation cystitis, haematuria (blood in urine) and diarrhoea and urgency etc.), fatigue and effects on the skin (radiation burn, loss of hair in area being treated). Many people experience these symptoms only during and for a short while after treatment, however for some the bladder and bowel changes can be permenant. Additionally, pelvic radiotherapy causes infertility (menopause and damage to uterus) and vaginal stenosis (narrowing). It can also cause long-term damage to the bones (osteoarthritis). FUN!

Cisplatin chemotherapy, is as the name suggests a platinum based drug. It is given intravenously along with lots of fluids as it can cause kidney damage. It does not cause hair loss, but like most chemotherapy drugs often causes nausea and vomiting. It increases risk of infection (because it can reduce the number of white blood cells in your blood) and can cause anaemia and increased brusing/bleeding (due to reduced red blood cells and platelets in the blood). It often causes loss of appetite and changes in taste as well as fatigue. It can also cause hearing loss, in fact the doctor told me many women are not able to complete the full course because of hearing loss (this can be permenent if not dealt with). It can also cause infertility.

These all sound pretty grim, and some of them I will definitely get, but everyone reacts to treatment differently so there is no way of knowing just how awful I am going to feel until I get there. The good news is that there are lots of things that I can do to help manage any symptoms that arise. I can follow the advise about skin care and mouth care, I can follow a low-fibre diet, drink lots of water and try to cut out/down on stimulants such as caffeine and alcohol. I can go for walks and do yoga to keep my bones, heart and mind healthy. I can follow the advice of the medics, research for myself things that may help and not put too much pressure on myself. The best news was that I have to try not to lose weight which means I have been given genuine medical advice to stuff my face! 😂 Had my planning (CT) scan today and am now the proud owner of my first tattoos (4 little dots to help them get me in the right position for radiotherapy (see image)).

Useful links:

Radiotherapy (including info on internal radiation/brachytherapy) –

Long-term effects of pelvic radiotherapy – Macmillan have a great patient info booklet on this (and lots of other topics) which you can order for free from this website:

Chemotherapy –

Cisplatin –

Zoe Buckman photo of light cervix

Fertility – ovarian tissue cryopreservation

So last Wednesday I had a unilateral laparoscopic oophrectomy for ovarian tissue cryopreservation…basically I had one of my ovaries whipped out and stuck in the freezer 😉

Just to be clear not everyone who has chemotherapy and radiotherapy becomes infertile but the chemo drug that I will be having and where the radiotherapy is targeting means that I definitely will have early menopause. So I was offered the opportunity to speak with the fertility specialist and I did even though I wasn’t sure I wanted to. The reality is that I don’t know if I want children ever, I certainly don’t right now. For the most part I find children quite annoying and whilst I think babies are cute, they certainly don’t make my heart or my uterus skip a beat. But, I didn’t think I would have to decide at 29 what I may or may not want to do at 39 (or whenever) and all of a sudden I’m just supposed to make all these huge fertility decisions about something I don’t even know I want!? Now, the harsh reality (as anyone who has ever gone through IVF will know) is that the success rate is pretty low for all fertility options but after speaking with the specialist I decided to go for the ovarian tissue preservation, whereby they remove and store the necessary tissue which can then be transplanted back in after being 5 years cancer free. This means that if it did work eggs could be harvested for IVF and that some or complete hormone function may return. I figured if I do nothing I WILL get the menopause so I may as well try something and if it doesn’t work then at least I gave it a shot! So incredibly lucky to be in a position to make such choices and to have the #nhs which means I get offered free healthcare which goes way beyond simply making me better but aims to improve my quality of life!

#forevergrateful #cancer #cancersucks #fertility #ovaries #ovariesbeforebrovaries #gynaecologicalcancer

Featured image courtesy of

scan-xiety definition image

PET-CT scans and scanxiety

Up until now I have had 2 CT scans, 2 MRI scans and 1 internal MRI scan (which was as horrendous as it sounds) but last Monday I had my first PET-CT scan. It wasn’t so dissimilar to having an MRI or CT in that they insert a cannula into your hand, but instead or giving you contrast medium (like in a CT) or buscopan (muscle relaxant like in an MRI) you are given a radioactive drug. You then have to lie completely still (not even reading or talking is allowed) for an hour before going into the scanner. The machine itself feels more like an MRI, in that you go right into it. However, it works more like a CT in that uses X-rays to take images. The radioactive drug works by showing up areas of the body where cells are more active than normal. This combined with the images gives a clearer picture of where any cancer cells are and/or if they have spread anywhere else.

Scans can feel quite claustrophobic especially when you are in it for a long time (a couple of mine have been about 45 mins long) and the process can be quite stressful making it difficult to stay still. When you move, the image quality is affected meaning they may have to do them again which means even longer in the scanner! So I have developed some coping mechanisms for all those hours in the scanners…I like to close my eyes (so I can’t see the confined space) and do some mindfulness exercises and yoga nidra; counting my inhalations and exhalations and bringing awareness to each part of my body in turn. This turns what could be quite a stressful situation into an opportunity for some relaxation and it definitely works for me!

#petct #scanxiety #cancer#cancersucks #cervicalcancer #cervicalcancerawareness #yoganidra #yogicsleep #mindfulness #copingmechanism

Featured image courtesy of


First Post – Fuck I’ve got cancer!

Up until now I have been very quiet about my situation, only telling my family and a few friends because for the most part I am a pretty private person and because I don’t much like being the patient. However, as a health care professional I feel passionate about health promotion and disease prevention so I have decided to share my story…here goes… several months ago I was diagnosed with cervical cancer and after a long list of investigations, in January I had surgery to remove the tumour. This involved having my entire cervix removed along with 28 lymph nodes. Unfortunately, this is not the end of my journey because although the tumour was completely removed, cancer has spread to my lymph nodes, so I will be having chemoradiation to try and blitz any remaining cancer cells.

I have decide to speak out about my experience for a number of reasons, primarily because I think sharing stories in this way has the power to help and inform. I have been inspired to do so by friends and strangers who have chosen to speak frankly about their own experiences with mental illness, long term conditions and cancer. Cervical cancer is the most common type of cancer in women aged 35 and everyday 9 women in the UK are diagnosed with it, so I’m by no means alone but there is a relatively small social media presence (in comparison with other common cancers). Hopefully, I will be able to offer some useful information as well as personal experience and if that helps 1 person then it will be worth it.

I apologise if reading this has upset anyone and I appreciate that cancer is a very emotive topic for many so if anyone does not want to read about this I promise I won’t be in the slightest bit offended if you chose to unfollow me 😘

Finally, I have been inundated with flowers and cards which I am SO grateful for. However if anyone would like to do something for me from this point on can I request that you

  1. Attend your cervical screening appointment (or bowel, breast or prostate)
  2. Get any lumps, bumps or persistent symptoms checked out by your GP
  3. Give up smoking, or
  4. All of the above 😉

Thanks for reading! #cancer #cancersucks #cervicalcancer #cervicalcancerawareness